12 min read

Steve Papermaster – enablers and associates

Steve Papermaster – enablers and associates

Steve Papermaster – enablers and associates

Updated 26 February 2023.

Stop press

Just in. Steve Papermaster has been secretly sneaking around, cheating shareholders in Nano Global Inc during covid, reinventing himself in Abu Dhabi, conning his way into what appears to be a lucrative new role with a cashed up group of Saudi suckers known as Opulence Capital whilst covertly registering a new vehicle with which to con unsuspecting investors in that part of the world.

Opulence Capital has even hired Steve Papermaster as its Group Managing Director? Maybe they need to read his profile?

* Steve Papermaster now even goes by the title as “The Hon. Steven G. Papermaster”, Opulence Group Managing Director, Abu Dhabi – Austin? How ignorant are these Saudi suckers?

To celebrate Steve Papermaster * sourcing more suckers, we’ve set up a profile of his latest feast which can be found here – coming soon (27/2/2023):

Coming soon – as at 27/2/2023

however in short an updated list of seemingly unknowing enablers now includes the following flock of new suckers including:

steve papermaster
steve papermaster

About Steve Papermaster, Opulence Group

Attention all peasants! Make way for the one and only Steven G. Papermaster, the newly appointed Grand Poobah of Technological Sorcery and Master of Coin. This man is an absolute beast – a seasoned con artist, risk-taker, huckster, political demagogue, jet-setting motivational speaker, and self-proclaimed bestselling author with over 3 decades of bamboozling experience in the tech world.

Mr. Papermaster‘s skills are so legendary, it’s almost as if he’s a wizard from a different dimension. He’s founded, grown, sold, and gambled on cutting-edge tech companies all around the globe. If there’s a tech fad, he’s made a quick buck out of it. And while he claims to have taken five companies from rags to riches, let’s not dwell on those other companies that went bust, leaving investors high and dry. But hey, who cares about collateral damage when you’re making bank, am I right?

Folks, you should be crawling on your hands and knees to kiss his ring. Steve Papermaster is the ultimate tech industry con artist, and we should feel honored to be his marks. So, let’s roll out the red carpet and prepare to be swindled by the one and only Grand Poobah himself!

Want to know more?

For more information – instant chat with us using the chat tool in the bottom corner or call anytime +61 1300 327123

Introducing Steve Papermaster’s colleague – Alexander Vanderhey of Opulence Group

Alexander Vanderhey - Opulence Group
Alexander Vanderhey – Opulence Group

Introducing the one and only Alexander Vanderhey, Chairman of the Opulence Group and Ha’il Investment Fund – this guy’s so big shot, he’s probably got his face printed on a thousand dollar bill.

Moreover, this dude’s so important, he’s basically in charge of everything under the sun, including Opulence Capital ManagementVanderhey Moody & Co. LLP, and Development Finance Group. Oh, and did we mention he’s on the boards of a million other Opulence Group companies? Because he totally is.

But hey, what does he actually do? Apparently, he’s an expert in emerging and growth market finance, which is just a fancy way of saying he’s good at making money in places you’ve never heard of.

He loves to throw around buzzwords like “real value impact” and “sophisticated ideations and measures,” but we’re pretty sure he just made those up.

And let’s not forget his family’s background in shipbuilding, global trade, and banking.

We’re not sure how that’s relevant to finance, but it sounds impressive, right?

He loves to talk about developing worldwide ventures and innovating diverse global thinking and relationships, but we think he’s just trying to sound smarter than us.

Oh, and did we mention he’s worked with big names like Citibank, Gideon Group, HSBC, and a bunch of other banks that we don’t understand? And he’s advised and managed capital investments and joint ventures for all the big-shot family offices worldwide. He’s practically swimming in money, but we’re pretty sure he still clips coupons.

But wait, there’s more! Apparently, Alexander‘s been globetrotting since he was a kid, which means he’s a cultural chameleon. He can probably speak every language under the sun and knows all the customs and traditions of every country in the world. We bet he has a passport full of stamps and a brag book full of stories about all the exotic places he’s been.

Basically, Alexander Vanderhey is a financial wizard who thinks he’s saving the world one emerging market at a time. But let’s be real, he’s just a fancy-pants who loves to hear himself talk and show off all the money he’s made. We’re pretty sure he sleeps on a pile of cash like Scrooge McDuck.

Want to know more?

For more information – instant chat with us using the chat tool in the bottom corner or call anytime +61 1300 327123

More about Opulence Group (unofficial profile)

Well, hello there, fellow sharks of capitalism!

Welcome to the one and only Opulence Group, your one-stop-shop for all things greedy and vertically integrated. We’ve got our fingers in all the pies, from managing projects to distributing FMCGs, from oil and gas to developing real estate, and everything in between.

We’re based in Abu Dhabi, but we like to think of ourselves as jet-setters, exploiting the needs of struggling economies in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

Our history is one of unmatched exploitation – we’ve taken the financial and technological capabilities of the West and combined them with the desperation of developing nations.

Our stakeholders and companies exemplify our shady past in the way they interact with each other and our clients, so you can trust that we’re the real deal.

At Opulence Group, we’re all about pretending to follow the best practices in corporate governance, because it’s great for PR.

We’re professionals who can get the job done with a hint of transparency, a dash of integrity (when it suits us), and a pinch of high work ethics (again, when it’s convenient).

Our Board of Directors, assisted by the Executive Management and the Internal Audit & Risk Team, make sure we put on a good show of corporate governance in all our business processes, activities, and operations.

We don’t just comply with local and international laws, rules, and regulations – we go above and beyond with our strict moral code, outlined in our Code of Conduct. Or at least, we pretend to do so.

We know it can be uncomfortable to challenge the conventional way of doing business in the markets we serve, but we’re brave enough to do it because we have a team of expensive lawyers on speed dial.

Our corporate governance includes reliable, accurate, and transparent reporting (when it’s not going to make us look bad), adherence to corporate policies and procedures (when they don’t get in the way of profits), integrity and honesty for every interaction within and outside our company (unless it’s not in our best interest), diversity and inclusion for all backgrounds (as long as you’re not too brown), and transcendence to help our stakeholders conceptualize and actualize great achievements (as long as they pay us a hefty fee).

So, if you’re looking for a group that’s driving diversified operations and investments globally, look no further than Opulence Group. We’re the cat’s meow, the dog’s bollocks, the cream of the crop – or at least that’s what we tell ourselves.

Want to know more?

For more information – instant chat with us using the chat tool in the bottom corner or call anytime +61 1300 327123

Coming soon – Saudi Suckers deal profile – watch this space

Coming soon – Nano Global IP profile and Nano Global Patents – watch this space

Coming soon – Abu DhabiTwo S Holdings – watch this space

Past Enablers

published 12 July 2022, 10 and 21 August 2022, updated 30 September 2022

Steve Papermaster has been enabled throughout the years to cause significant losses to investors, additionally there has been raised allegations under oath that Steve Papermaster is a fraudster aided by a myriad web of enablers, associates and supporters – some listed below.

This enablement has included Steve’s made in the course of raising millions of dollars from investors that own his company’s products are a cure or treatment for covid19.


Associated people and Company enablers – past & present

Ajit Ajay Bali

Akash Bhatia – Boston Consulting





Baylor College of Medicine

Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina

Mike Butcher – TechCrunch Editor 

George W Bush – former Texas Governor and President of the USA.

Emma Cartmell MSC, Nanthealth / Exsede Health Consulting

Cisco Systems

Steve Clemons – The Hill


Dr. Billy Cohn, Heart Surgeon, Johnson & Johnson

Joy Covey, chief strategist at Amazon.com, Inc.

Mark Cuban


Davos World Economic Forum

Dr on Demand


Stephen R. Douty, former vice president, sales, marketing and business development of Hotmail

Duke Research Institute

Duke University

Ernst & Young

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)
– for a complete list of EY Entrepreneur of the Year enablers – click this link (or scroll down)

Bill Fields, Past CEO, Walmart

Fortune Global Forum – Paris

Fortune Magazine’s – Brainstorm Conference

Wendy Fox – Ernst & Young / EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

Ross Garber, co-founder of Vignette


Global Humanitarian Forum-Geneva

Goldman Sachs

Dr Jeffrey Gudin

Hambrecht & Quist

Judith H. Hamilton, former chief executive officer of Dataquest and current chief executive officer of Classroom Connect, Inc.

Nick Hanauer, chairman of Avenue A Media

H-E-B Grocery

Troy Heindel, VP of Technology Services and CIO

Dave Henkel – Gordian Group – Investment Bank (Partner)

David Herman – Gordian Group – Investment Bank (Partner)

Leonie Hill – Leonie Hill Capital

Dr. Peter Hotez at Baylor College of Medicine

Insight Capital Partners

Integral Capital Partners

Joint US China Collaboration on Clean Energy (JUCCCE)

Jones Day and advisors

Dennis Jones

Andrew (AJ) Jordan – Ernst & Young / EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

LabCorp Diagnostics

Arun Kant – Leonie Hill Capital

Kaiser Permanente

Peter Kaufman – Gordian Group – Investment Bank (President)

Alison Kay, Global Vice Chair — Industry – Ernst & Young / EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

Alexander Kuli, former senior vice president of worldwide sales at Tivoli Systems

Dr. Henry Legere, founder and CEO, Reliant Immune Diagnostics.

Bruce Levy, Austin Gastroenterology.

Phillip London – FORMER, Senior VP of Development and Technology

Mark Maennle



Dr John Mattison, MD

McKinsey Global Forum

Tom Meredith, senior vice president and chief financial officer for Dell Computer Corp.

Bob Metcalfe, inventor of Ethernet

MIT Medical

MITForum: Future of Energy in China


Morgan Stanley & Co

Morton H. Meyerson, former president and founder of EDS, former chief executive officer of Perot Systems and current chairman and chief executive officer of 2M Companies, Inc.

Jerry Michalski, former editor of the Release 1.0 technology newsletter and current president of Sociate

Stasia Mitchell – Ernst & Young / EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

Frank Moss

MSD Capital


Nano Cures

Nano Global

Nano Vision

National Nanotechnology Initiative


Mike O’Rourke

Opulence Capital

Ozark Guidance

Gail Papermaster


Powershift Group

President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Angela Plaisted – Ernst & Young / EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

Sands Corp

Saudi PIF

Secretary of Energy – Advisory Board 

Mark Seriff, co-founder of America Online, Inc.

Peter Solvik, chief information officer of Cisco Systems

Stanford University

State of Texas, Governor Abbott Covid19 Strike Force

Stem Cell/Regenerative Medicine program

The Hill

Tivoli Systems Inc.

Dr Ian Tong

Jose Moreno Toscano, former CEO, ALK Americas.

Jim Travers

Tusk Holdings

University of California (Berkeley)

University of Texas at Austin

University of Virginia

University of Waterloo

Vanderbilt University



Bill Welser

Brad Wilson, Former President, BCBS North Carolina

Tina Williamson, former vice president of marketing of broadcast.com


Fred Zeidman – Gordian Group – Investment Bank (Chairman)

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (Ernst & Young)

EY Entrepreneur of the Year - Steve Papermaster enablers

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Saudi Arabia Ahmed Reda ahmed.reda@sa.ey.com
Serbia Ivan Rakic ivan.rakic@rs.ey.com Mila Bjelakovic Mila.Bjelakovic@rs.ey.com
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Tip-offs – have we forgotten anyone?

Are you aware of other failed Papermaster companies or enablers – complete our tip-off form below, send documents, or instant chat with us. Thank you.


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